Monday, August 28, 2006

Renewal in Iraq . . . Lovely word . . . Re-new-al.

Cool. Just click on the title to this entry and you'll be taken to the site where all will be expalined. I recommend the "National Strategy for Victory in Iraq" link. A Knight of the city told me such a plan existed, and now I've found it. Possibly someone should let Mr. Kirstol know this. Now to get to readin'.

Tuesday: First installment of "Teachin' in the Leviathan." This will be a Tuesday and Thursday journal of my engagin' with young barbarians and makin' them learn to trust the darkness . . .
love the darkness, because anyone of them might grow up to be the American Colossus, and then wont' that be sweet, I mean I'll be set, probably make me Secretary of Defense. Better get workin' on my plan to liberate Crete from it's Attic oppressors. FREEEEEEDOMMMMMM!

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