Sunday, August 20, 2006

Cioran, Bloody Mary, and Swan Lake

Act II and the swans are out. Gorgeous . . . the legs, the . . . Now once you've filled a highball glass with ice, pour in an ounce of vodka (today I'm pouring Tito's, made right here in Texas) and repeat after me, "Love's great (and sole) originality is to make happiness indistinct from misery." Only have to read Sappho's Fragment 33 to know this . . . well and to have done a wee bit of stalkin'. Now, let's backtrack, and look at what you should have already prepared. Pour one cup of organic tomato juice into your blender of choice, also add one tablespoon of lime juice, lemon juice and this Cioran morsel, "He worked and produced, he flung himself into massive generalizations, astonished by his own fecundity. He was quite ignorant, fortunately for him, of the nightmare of nuance." Delicious. Now add a tablespoon of Worcestershire and a tablespoon of Blair's original Death Sauce, and then carefuly add "To see in every baby a future Richard III . . . ." Follow all of this with pinches of paprika, mustard powder, garlic powder, cumin, and coriander; blend it all together, chill it . . . and now return to your glass full of ice and one ounce of vodka . . . and add. Stir and along with a sprig of mint add "Who does not believe in Fate proves he has not lived." Oh yes. Look at those swans. Oh yes, read Frank Rich in the Week in Review section of the Times. Synchronicity between the Times and the Weekly Standard?

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