Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Orwell Award of the Day or Cheney's Drumbeating Makes Sunshine

ONE OF the few college textbooks I still have is "Introduction to Logic" by Irving M. Copi. When I read Vice President Cheney's argument that because of the war in Iraq, 'there has not been another attack on the United States' ("Cheney defends hard-line role," Page A9, Sept. 11), I pulled that book from the shelf. Sure enough, there it was - a logical fallacy so old that it has a Latin name (post hoc ergo propter hoc, or "false cause"). The example Professor Copi gives is remarkably apt: 'Certainly we should reject the savage's claim that beating his drums is the cause of the sun's reappearing after an eclipse.'"

The Boston Globe
September 12, 2006 Tuesday THIRD EDITION

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