Thursday, September 07, 2006

I Am Travis Bickle and Tyler Durden

Teaching at the mall-soon-to-be-demolished includes actively being aware of the existence of parallel realities. In the reality (supposedly that I inhabit) I lead a Humanities class on Thursday evenings; in the reality of the computer (the one I suppose I'm supposed to actually be in) I am teaching an American Literature II class on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and it has eight students. Maybe I am really teaching that class as well as the one that I am teaching. Yes. Today I meditated on what "huge genitals" means as my Multicultural Literature class discussed Carter's "The Company of Wolves;" and angry, young men with golf clubs as my American Literature II class pondered Rivera's "Marisol." Tonight: more golf clubs and a war in heaven. Omophagos. Omophagos.

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