Friday, September 29, 2006

Ah, the Humorous Mr. Kristol!

In response to Bob Woodward's well-timed sea-change on the Bush administration, the King of Comedy Mr Kristol finds more reasons to blame . . . of course, the Democrats. The Democrats have failed plans, whereas Bush is lauded because . . ."Bush, on other hand, understands that the only acceptable exit strategy is victory. (If, as Woodward reports, he's been bolstered in that view by Henry Kissinger, then good for Henry. Invite him to the Oval Office more often!) ."

If only Mr. Kristol had at his fingers the plan for victory that Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld have crafted. If only a plan for the inadequate troop level in the Anbar province existed, if only a plan to correct corruption within Iraq and Afghanistan existed, if only a "real" conversation between this administration and the military existed. Good laughs Mr. Kristol, good laughs.

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