Saturday, September 16, 2006

Can Someone Help the American Colossus?

"The Iraqi government plans to seal off Baghdad within weeks by ringing it with a series of trenches and setting up dozen of traffic checkpoints to control movement in and out of the violent city of seven million people, an Interior Ministry spokesman said Friday."
Edward Wong, New York Times, September 16, 2006

"President Bush made an impassioned defense on Friday of his proposed rules for the interrogation and prosecution of terrorism suspects, warning that the nation's ability to defend itself would be undermined if rebellious Republicans in the Senate did not come round to his position."
Jim Rutenberg and Sheryl Gay Stolberg, New York Times, September 16, 2006

Quite possibly the nation's ability to defend itself will be compromised if an effective strategy for winning the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is not devised. Creating medieval seige defenses doesn't look like a way to effectively protect the home front, even if we have the "right" to pull off the fingernails of "the enemy."

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