Wednesday, October 11, 2006

More Pseduo-Tamburlaines Captain Langston

Ah, Michael Rubin at the American Enterprise Institute (along with Dan Blumenthal and Newt Gringrich) might not drink "Foggy Bottom Kool-Aid" but again the Churchill reference makes you wonder what "Churchill" they've created in their minds. Of course, it's not clear eaxactly what they believe the "Churchillian" response would-be, in North Korea, Iran or Iraq, but they sure love to talk tough. To each other.

"The North Korean nuclear test is significant for two reasons. First, it has stripped any plausibility to arguments that engaging dictators works. Our failure was bipartisan. Clinton’s strategy was ill-conceived, but when push came to shove, the Bush White House drank the same Foggy Bottom Kool-Aid. Second, we are at a watershed. We know our opponents’ playbook. Will we think several steps ahead? Or embrace short-term illusion? This crisis is not just about North Korea, but about Iran, Syria, Venezuela, and Cuba as well. Bush now has two choices: to respond forcefully and show that defiance has consequence, or affirm that defiance pays and that international will is illusionary. Diplomats crave wiggle room, but it has just run out. Multilateralism is like Diet Coke; it may taste good, but it lacks substance. Conversations with foreign leaders aren’t enough if they do not produce results. Nor should consultation or declaration substitute for results. Bush must now choose whether his legacy will be one of inaction or leadership, Chamberlain or Churchill?"

Getting Testy
A Symposium on Pyonyang Policy
By Dan Blumenthal, Michael Rubin, Newt Gingrich
Posted: Tuesday, October 10, 2006
National Review Online
Publication Date: October 10, 2006

1 comment:

James Langston said...

From Mel Brooks' "The Producers":

"Will the dancing Hitlers please wait in the wings? We are only seeing singing Hitlers."