Sunday, October 01, 2006

Sunday Morning with Cioran and Petronius

"One should not forget that philosophy is the art of masking inner torments." E.M. Cioran

Well, and maybe, food: " . . . the servants made a lane, and a calf was brought in on a two-hundred pound plate: it was boiled whole and wearing a helmet. Following it came Ajax, slashing at the calf with a drawn sword like a madman. After rhymically cutting and slicing, he collected the pieces on the point and shred them among the surprised guests." Petronius

And the madness of Ajax? He's slaughtering cattle he believes to be fellow Greeks who have wronged him. Ah, Greek tragedy--the art of unmasking inner torments and letting them breathe; of course, with some Moet on a fine Sunday morning.

Yours Truly,
Mr. Pantagruel

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